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HACCP was create to protect the health of customers and end-user from sub-standard, unhygienic food manufacturing standards by regulating potentially hazardous chemical, physical, and biological agents. the acronym HACCP - standar of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Planning. HACCP came to exixtence during the the 1970 and initially applied to the canning industry. In 1995, it extended to the fishery industry.

The Indonesia goverment has been looking towards the future and for years planned to enforce HACCP standards in the fishery industry. we have been following their trend closely and were very pleased when the indonesia's fishery industry officially announced its decision to begin strict HACCP regulations in all fishery factories.

Higher traceability requirements and Good Aquaculture Practices (GAP) are also being implemented in Indonesia. Southern Marine Products fully supports the decisions to strengthen the quality of manufacturing standards and is pleased with Southern Marine Products becoming HACCP compliant.


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